Dear I-HELIS Journal contributors,

We thank you for your participation in submitting articles to I-HELIS in Vol. 1 No. 2.

Thank you for contributing to the I-HELIS Journal to provide useful research by submitting quality papers.

Thank you

Editor in chief


Published: December 27, 2023

Integration of Electronic Medical Record and SATUSEHAT’s Platform : Patient’s Legal Protection Perspective

1-8 Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Penggalih Mahardika Herlambang, Anis Fuad, Wulan Kusumastuti (Author)

Relationship Between Three Risk Factor Of DM-Pulmonary TB Incident At RSI Siti Aisyah Madiun in 2023

9-14 Armydika Lauretha, Avicena Sakufa Marsanti, Zaenal Abidin (Author)

Analysis of Healthy Lifestyles According to Digital Health Literacy in Adolescent Girls Aged 11-19 Years

15-24 Irfan Nafis Sjamsuddin, Tuti Surtimanah (Author)

The Effect Of Fire Prevention On Restricted Area Protection Efforts At DPPU Iswahjudi Magetan

25-31 Ahmad Rifki Rivaldi, Avicena Sakufa Marsanti, Riska Ratnawati (Author)

Instrument Validity and Reliability Test of Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Intention to Pornography in Urban Students

32-38 Kismi Mubarokah, Aprianti Aprianti, Fitria Dewi Puspita Anggraini, Zakiyyatuz Zahra, Luhur Asih Kadarsih (Author)

The Effect Of Origami Games On Fine Motor Development In Children With Stunting Diagnosis (3-5 Years)

39-43 Arfan Syahroni, Siti Nur Indah (Author)

Determining Factors For The Accuracy Of Diagnosis Codes Using ICD-10 In Obstetric Cases: Riview Systematics

44-51 Syifa Sofia Wibowo (Author)

Digital capabilities of health workers to use electronic medical records: Digital maturity self-assessment in Indonesian hospitals

52-62 Guardian Yoki Sanjaya, Devi Emrianti Ramadhan, Agus Mutamakin, Taufiq Sitompul, Dian Sulistiyowati, Haidar Istiqlal (Author)