Journal Description

International Journal of Health Literacy and Science (I-HeLis) is the official journal published by the Faculty of Health Science, Dian Nuswantoro University in collaboration with the Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA) Indonesia Office, Dian Nuswantoro University located in Indonesia and supported by the Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA). The journal is published frequently twice a year (June and December), and the first volume will be published in June 2023.

The Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA) is an independent multinational non-governmental organization that promotes health literacy and aids the development of policies to achieve better healthcare in Asian countries by encouraging ideas, knowledge, and experiences, and promoting cooperative initiatives between universities, research institutions , communities, and ministries.

The journal welcomes and invites original research articles, review articles, case studies, and practice focused on: health literacy, including those involved in a broad array of media literacy, digital literacy, environmental health, child and family health, nutrition, digital health, public health, health information, health services, epidemiology, occupational health and safety.

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Health Literacy and Science

Dear I-HELIS Journal contributors,

We thank you for your participation in submitting articles to I-HELIS in Vol. 2 No. 2.

Thank you for contributing to the I-HELIS Journal to provide useful research by submitting quality papers.

Thank you

Editor in chief

Published: November 29, 2024

Relationship Betweent Anxiety With Quality of Life For Hypertension In UPTD Puskesmas Demangan Kota Madiun

1-5 Adelia Kusuma Prasetiyo Putri, Riska Ratnawati, Avicena Sakufa Marsanti (Author)

The Difference In Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) Levels Before And After Pineapple (Ananas Comosus L.) Consumption In Early Adolescents At MTS Muhammadiyah 09 Purbalingga

6-13 Mutiarani Nur Filanti, Ima Syamrotul Muflihah (Author)

The Relationship Between Adequate Housing And Household Sanitation With The Success Of Tuberculosis Patient Treatment In Semarang City

14-19 Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Baiq Diken Safitri, Anggun Dessita Wandastuti, Muhammad Farid Husni, Andreas Wilson Setiawan, Amanda Rahel Konoralma, Benny Lumban Radja, Oki Setiono, Widya Ratna Wulan (Author)

Decoding the Neurocognitive Consequences: A Comprehensive Analysis of Smoking and Alcohol Consumption on Cognitive Function Across the Lifespan

20-25 Rahel Amanda Konoralma, Andreas Wilson Setiawan, Tyas Anggraini, Cynthia Arsita, Abidatul Hikmah, Hawila Maretha Krisopras, Alfiena Nisa Belladiena (Author)

Knowledge and Misconceptions About Diabetes Mellitus in Semarang: An In-Depth Survey Analyzing the Impact of Public Awareness on Prevention and Management

26-36 Andreas Wilson Setiawan, Amanda Rahel Konoralma, Tyas Anggraini, Melki, Ira Maya Chandra Khodijah, Widya Ratna Wulan (Author)

Dissecting the Relationship Between Study Time, Gender, and Age: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Academic Performance in Contemporary Education

37-42 Hendriani Selina, Tyas Anggraini, Rahel Amanda Konoralma, Andreas Wilson Setiawan, Rajwa Atsala Vindramekka, Hazel Arga Satya, Syifa Sofia Wibowo (Author)

Mental Health Literacy In Health Students: A Preliminary Study

43-49 Andi Ardiansyah Nurdin, Zahro Shaluhiyah, Bagoes Widjanarko (Author)

Analysis Of The Readiness Of Medical Record Officers In The Outpatient Unit To The Use Of RME By TRI Methods At RSUD Dr. M. Ashari Pemalang

50-59 Mayliana Navisa Putri, Oki Setiono, Retno Astuti S., Evina Widianawati (Author)

Design of the Android-based Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) Application as a Toddler Growth and Development Monitoring

60-65 Fitria Wulandari, Widya Ratna Wulan, Arif Kurniadi, Oki Setiono (Author)

Validation Short Food Literacy Questionnaire for Women: Translation and Cultural Adaptation in Indonesia

66-77 Haikal Haikal, Hanif Pandu Suhito, Tuyen V.Duong, Fasty A. Utami, Oki Setiono, Fitria Dewi Puspita, Enny Rachmani (Author)
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